Re: [AssotechNest] 15th Aug`13 - Mini Marathon
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[AssotechNest] 15th Aug`13 - Mini Marathon [1 Attachment]
Hi All
CIPL is organizing Mini Marathon on 15th Aug.
Attachment(s) from Mohd Aftab
1 of 1 Photo(s)
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Monday, July 29, 2013
[panchsheel_wellington] Looking for 2 BHK. No Broker please
Require 2 BHK raw flat on Rent starting from August.
My friend require it.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
Pati - Woh kyon ?
BV - Roz Subah Murge ki tarah jaldi uthh jate ho, Ghode ki tarah bhag ke office chale jate ho,Gadhe ki tarah dinbhar kaam karte ho,Lomdi ki tarah idhar-udhar se information batorkar Report banate ho,Bandar ki tarah boss ke ishare par nachte ho,Ghar aakar pariwar per kutte ki tarah chillate ho,aur fir Bhainse ki tarah so jate ho.
Insaano ka doctor tumhe kya khakh thik kar payega.!!
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
[panchsheel_wellington] टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी तकनीक तथा सेरोगेसी (उधार गोद) :आज के संदर्भ मे
हिंदी सिनेमा के सुपरस्टार शाहरुख खान और उनकी पत्नी गौरी खान के आईवीएफ तकनीक से मां-बाप बनने की खबर ने एक बार फिर से आईवीएफ के बारे में लोगों में उत्सुकता पैदा कर दी है। वैसे इससे पहले इन दोनों का सामान्य तरीके से दो बच्चे हो चुके हैं, जो अब बड़े भी हो चुके हैं। इसी तरह मिस्टर परफेक्शनिस्ट आमिर खान ने भी अपनी दूसरी पत्नी किरण को सरोगेसी के जरिए ही मां बनने का सुख प्रदान किया। आईवीएफ को सामान्य या बोलचाल की भाषा में लोग टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी या परखनली शिशु कह देते हैं। आईवीएफ इन विट्रो फर्टिलाइजेशन (in vitro fertilization) तकनीक है। आप इसे इन विट्रो गर्भाधान तकनीक के रूप में समझिए जो बांझपन (infertility) की समस्या से जूझते शादीशुदा स्त्री पुरुष को मां-बाप बना देती है!
आईवीएफ तकनीक से स्त्री-पुरुष दोनों के बांझपन का कारगर इलाज किया जाता है। इलाज के लिए आने वाले पति पत्नी की पूरी जांच की जाती है, लेकिन जांच के बावजूद यदि गर्भधारण का कोई स्पष्ट कारण पकड़ में नहीं आ रहा है तो गर्भणारण के लिए इन विट्रो गर्भाधान एक बेहद सफल तरीका है। इसमें स्त्री के परिपक्व अंडा (egg) व पुरुष के स्वस्थ्य शुक्राणु(sperm) को प्रयोगशाला में शरीर की स्थितियों वाले तापमान पर 12 से 18 घंटे तक साथ रखा जाता है। इनका मिलन होने पर इस निषेचित बीज को स्त्री की बच्चेदानी में प्रत्यारोपित कर दिया जाता है।
आईवीएफ की सफलता दर
आईवीएफ विशेषज्ञ डॉ. मनिका खन्ना के मुताबिक, कभी आईवीएफ ट्रीटमेंट में सफलता की गारंटी मुश्किल से 10-15 प्रतिशत थी, लेकिन अच्छे कृत्रिम प्रजनन केन्द्रों में इसका प्रतिशत 60 फीसदी से ऊपर है। कृत्रिम प्रजनन तकनीकों को लेकर अक्सर यह आशंका जताई जाती है कि कहीं इनमें भी लिंग का चुनाव तो नहीं होता लेकिन कृत्रिम प्रजनन तकनीक अभी तक इससे मुक्त हैं। वैसे टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी तकनीक में निषेचन के लिए स्वस्थ्य अंडाणु एवं शुक्राणु का चुनाव अब सम्भव हो गया है।
स्त्री बांझपन और उसका आईवीएफ ट्रीटमेंट
डॉ. मनिका खन्ना के मुताबिक, स्त्री बांझपन की सबसे बड़ी वजह उनकी फेलोपियन ट्यूब में उत्पन्न गड़बड़ी है। फेलोपियन ट्यूब में गड़बड़ी के कारण अंडा बाहर नहीं आ पाता है। ऐसे में आईवीएफ तकनीक से इलाज के दौरान उसके अंडे को गर्भाशय से ही उठा लिया जाता है। बाहर प्रयोगशाला में उस अंडे का निषेचन (fertilization) पति के शुक्राणु से कराया जाता है। भ्रूण बनने पर उसे वापस स्त्री के गर्भाशय में प्रत्यारोपित कर दिया जाता है।
यदि स्त्री का अंडा दोषपूर्ण है तो किसी अंडाणु दाता (egg donor) महिला के अंडाणु का उसके पति के स्वस्थ्य शुक्राणु से निषेचन कराया जाता है और फिर बाद में उसे गर्भाशय में प्रत्यारोपित कर दिया जाता है।
पुरुष बांझपन और उसका इलाज
डॉ. मनिका खन्ना के मुताबिक, यदि पुरुष का शुक्राणु कमजोर, गतिहीन या निषेचन के योग्य नहीं है तो किसी अज्ञात शुक्राणुदाता (sperm donor) के शुक्राणु से स्त्री के अंडे का निषेयन कराया जाता है, लेकिन इससे पहले पति-पत्नी दोनों को इसकी जानकारी दी जाती है और उनसे सहमति ली जाती है। बाद में इस भ्रूण को महिला के गर्भाशय में प्रत्यारोपित कर दिया जाता है। आमतौर पर बांझपन के शिकार पुरुषों के वीर्य में शुक्राणु की संख्या या तो बेहद कम होता है, कमजोर होता है या बेहद गतिहीन होता है। इस कारण वह स्त्री के अंडे को निषेचित करने में सक्षम नहीं हो पाता।
पुरुष के वीर्य में स्पर्म की संख्या कम होने पर इंट्रो साइटोप्लाज्मिक स्पर्म इंजेक्शन (इक्सी) का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस तकनीक में माइक्रोस्कोप की सहायता से स्वस्थ्य शुक्राणु को स्त्री के अंडाणु में इंजेक्शन के जरिए प्रवेश कराया जाता है। इस तकनीक के कारण आईवीएफ की सफलता दर बढ़ जाती है।
आईवीएफ-सरोगेसी: प्रयासों की श्रृंखला
आईवीएफ तकनीक में पहला प्रयास प्रयोगशाला में मां के अंडे व पिता के शुक्राणु का निषेचन कर उससे निर्मित भ्रूण को मां के गर्भ में प्रत्यारोपित करना होता है। कमजोर शुक्राणु या दोषपूर्ण अंडाणु होने पर दूसरा प्रयास डोनर के स्पर्म/ एग की सहायता लेना होता है। यदि पति का शुक्राणु दोषपूर्ण है तो डोनर के स्पर्म की सहायता से पत्नी के अंडाणु का निषेचन कराया जाता है और यदि पत्नी के अंडाणु में दोष है तो डोनर के एग से पति के शुक्राणु का निषेचन कराया जाता है।
इसके इतर एक स्थिति वह होती है, जब पति पत्नी दोनों के ही शुक्राणु व अंडाणु दोषपूर्ण होते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में डोनर के स्वस्थ्य शुक्राणु व अंडाणु का निषेचन प्रयोगशाला में कराया जाता है और बाद में उस बीज को पत्नी के गर्भ में प्रत्यारोपित कर दिया जाता है। इन तीनों ही स्थिति में डोनर स्त्री-पुरुष का नाम किसी को पता नहीं चलता है।
इसके बाद की स्थिति सरोगेसी (surrogacy) की है। यदि पत्नी के गर्भाशय में ही खराबी है तो फिर किसी महिला के किराए की कोख लेकर उसमें प्रयोगशाला में निषेचित हुए भ्रूण का प्रत्यारोपण कर दिया जाता है। इन चारों ही स्थिति में दंपत्तियों की इजाजत ली जाती है। इसमें शुक्राणु या अंडाणुदाता के नाम का कभी पता नहीं चलता है। सरोगेट मदर से भी बांड भरवाया जाता है। इन सभी विधियों को भारत में कानूनी मान्यता हासिल है।
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Pls contact for HOME LOAN from AXIS BANK.
Rajesh Arya
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Monday, July 22, 2013
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Friday, July 19, 2013
[panchsheel_wellington] Mahagun: "MIRABELLA" Sec-79, Noida
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SELF MANAGEMENT TIPS TO AVOID MANY DISEASES AND MAKING LIFE BETTER *****Dr.D.R.Nakipuria,Senior physician cum Gastro specialist Dr.Ranju Nakipuria,Senior Gynaecologist cum Infertility expert 1420,mahgun Milano Tower,Crossing Republik,01202845505 07838059592,07503303359
If we learn some Self Management Tips and Tricks,we can make our life better and and our family,society,country all more safe and strong.
We should accept that we are responsible for everything that happens in our life.We oftern say it is not our fault or misdeed which broght pain,sorrow or difficulties but it is either nature or our destiny "BHAGYA' or 'LUCK' did it,but ofter relly it is not true.We have to Learn to accept total responsibility for ourself. If we do not manage ourself, then we are letting others have control of our Life. These tips will help "us" manage "us."Please live present cautiously and patiently at every momment with joy and happiness taking difficulties and failures easily ,behave more as youth or kids in tackling these failures rather than very seriously raisingBlod pressure,hear attack,brain stroke etc.
Our present form of style of living put under a quantum of tension,fear,apprehensions, doubts,anxiety and strss leading to a lot of mental or Psycho social disbalaces making us a patients of mmental or Psyciatric patients full of Anxiety Neurosis and depression,leading to MDP and SCHIZOPHRENIA,not only this these Psycho social disease also make us a patient of GASTRIC PROBLEMS,ULCERS,COLITIS,IBS,CARDIAC DISEASES,DIABETES,HYPERTENSION, KIDNEY DISEASES and so on many more somatic diseases.SO CHANGE IN LIFE STYLE IS A MUST AND NEED NOT IT TO BUY SIMPLY READ AND PRACTICE FOLLOWING FEW SUGGESTIONS WHICH WILL ABLE US TO GET IT AND PROTECT US FROM SUCH FATAL DISEASES.
Here is a list of things that help you in self management and which will in turn lead you to the path of success: -
-) Look at every new opportunity as an exciting and new-life experience.
-) Be a professional who exhibits self-confidence and self-assurance in your potential to complete any task.
-) Agree with yourself in advance that you will have a good attitude toward the upcoming task.
-) Frequently ask, "Is what I am doing right now moving me toward my goals?"
-) Do it right the first time and you will not have to take time later to fix it.
-) Accept responsibility for your job successes and failures. Do not look for a scapegoat.
-) Do not view things you do as a "job." View all activities as a challenge.
{mosgoogle left}-) Use your subconscious mind by telling it to do what you do want. Instead of telling yourself, "I can't do that very well," say, "I can do this very well."-) Give yourself points for completing tasks on your "to-do" list in priority order. When you reach 10 points, reward yourself.
-) Practice your personal beliefs. It may be helpful each morning to take 15 minutes to gather your thoughts and say a prayer.
-) Make a commitment to show someone a specific accomplishment on a certain date. The added urgency will help you feel motivated to have it done.
-) Practice self-determination, wanting to do it for yourself.
-) Believe that you can be what you want to be.
-) Never criticize yourself as having a weakness. There is no such thing. You are only talking about a present undeveloped skill or part of yourself that if you so chose, you can change. You do not have any weakness, only untapped potential.
-) Be pleasant all the time-no matter what the situation.
-) Challenge yourself to do things differently than you have in the past. It provides new ideas and keeps you interested.
-) Talk to yourself. A self-talk using positive affirmation is something that is common among all great achievers. They convince themselves that they can accomplish their goals.
-) Create your own "motivation board" by putting up notes of things you need to do on a bulletin board or special wall space. It is an easily visible way to see what you need to work on. When an item is done, remove the note. Also keep your goals listed and pictured on your board.
-) Stay interested in what you are doing. Keep looking for what is interesting in your work. Change your perspective and look at it as someone outside your job would,
-) Establish personal incentives and rewards to help maintain your own high enthusiasm and performance level.

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SELF MANAGEMENT TIPS TO AVOID MANY DISEASES AND MAKING LIFE BETTER ********Dr.D.R.nakipuria,Senior Physician cum Gastro specialist Dr.Ranju Nakipuria,Sr.Gynaecologist ,OBst.& infertility Expert 1420,Mahgun Milano Tower,crossing republik,01202845505
If we learn some Self Management Tips and Tricks,we can make our life better and and our family,society,country all more safe and strong.
We should accept that we are responsible for everything that happens in our life.We oftern say it is not our fault or misdeed which broght pain,sorrow or difficulties but it is either nature or our destiny "BHAGYA' or 'LUCK' did it,but ofter relly it is not true.We have to Learn to accept total responsibility for ourself. If we do not manage ourself, then we are letting others have control of our Life. These tips will help "us" manage "us."Please live present cautiously and patiently at every momment with joy and happiness taking difficulties and failures easily ,behave more as youth or kids in tackling these failures rather than very seriously raisingBlod pressure,hear attack,brain stroke etc.
Our present form of style of living put under a quantum of tension,fear,apprehensions, doubts,anxiety and strss leading to a lot of mental or Psycho social disbalaces making us a patients of mmental or Psyciatric patients full of Anxiety Neurosis and depression,leading to MDP and SCHIZOPHRENIA,not only this these Psycho social disease also make us a patient of GASTRIC PROBLEMS,ULCERS,COLITIS,IBS,CARDIAC DISEASES,DIABETES,HYPERTENSION, KIDNEY DISEASES and so on many more somatic diseases.SO CHANGE IN LIFE STYLE IS A MUST AND NEED NOT IT TO BUY SIMPLY READ AND PRACTICE FOLLOWING FEW SUGGESTIONS WHICH WILL ABLE US TO GET IT AND PROTECT US FROM SUCH FATAL DISEASES.
Here is a list of things that help you in self management and which will in turn lead you to the path of success: -
-) Look at every new opportunity as an exciting and new-life experience.
-) Be a professional who exhibits self-confidence and self-assurance in your potential to complete any task.
-) Agree with yourself in advance that you will have a good attitude toward the upcoming task.
-) Frequently ask, "Is what I am doing right now moving me toward my goals?"
-) Do it right the first time and you will not have to take time later to fix it.
-) Accept responsibility for your job successes and failures. Do not look for a scapegoat.
-) Do not view things you do as a "job." View all activities as a challenge.
{mosgoogle left}-) Use your subconscious mind by telling it to do what you do want. Instead of telling yourself, "I can't do that very well," say, "I can do this very well."-) Give yourself points for completing tasks on your "to-do" list in priority order. When you reach 10 points, reward yourself.
-) Practice your personal beliefs. It may be helpful each morning to take 15 minutes to gather your thoughts and say a prayer.
-) Make a commitment to show someone a specific accomplishment on a certain date. The added urgency will help you feel motivated to have it done.
-) Practice self-determination, wanting to do it for yourself.
-) Believe that you can be what you want to be.
-) Never criticize yourself as having a weakness. There is no such thing. You are only talking about a present undeveloped skill or part of yourself that if you so chose, you can change. You do not have any weakness, only untapped potential.
-) Be pleasant all the time-no matter what the situation.
-) Challenge yourself to do things differently than you have in the past. It provides new ideas and keeps you interested.
-) Talk to yourself. A self-talk using positive affirmation is something that is common among all great achievers. They convince themselves that they can accomplish their goals.
-) Create your own "motivation board" by putting up notes of things you need to do on a bulletin board or special wall space. It is an easily visible way to see what you need to work on. When an item is done, remove the note. Also keep your goals listed and pictured on your board.
-) Stay interested in what you are doing. Keep looking for what is interesting in your work. Change your perspective and look at it as someone outside your job would,
-) Establish personal incentives and rewards to help maintain your own high enthusiasm and performance level.
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If we learn some Self Management Tips and Tricks,we can make our life better and and our family,society,country all more safe and strong.
We should accept that we are responsible for everything that happens in our life.We oftern say it is not our fault or misdeed which broght pain,sorrow or difficulties but it is either nature or our destiny "BHAGYA' or 'LUCK' did it,but ofter relly it is not true.We have to Learn to accept total responsibility for ourself. If we do not manage ourself, then we are letting others have control of our Life. These tips will help "us" manage "us."Please live present cautiously and patiently at every momment with joy and happiness taking difficulties and failures easily ,behave more as youth or kids in tackling these failures rather than very seriously raisingBlod pressure,hear attack,brain stroke etc.
Our present form of style of living put under a quantum of tension,fear,apprehensions, doubts,anxiety and strss leading to a lot of mental or Psycho social disbalaces making us a patients of mmental or Psyciatric patients full of Anxiety Neurosis and depression,leading to MDP and SCHIZOPHRENIA,not only this these Psycho social disease also make us a patient of GASTRIC PROBLEMS,ULCERS,COLITIS,IBS,CARDIAC DISEASES,DIABETES,HYPERTENSION, KIDNEY DISEASES and so on many more somatic diseases.SO CHANGE IN LIFE STYLE IS A MUST AND NEED NOT IT TO BUY SIMPLY READ AND PRACTICE FOLLOWING FEW SUGGESTIONS WHICH WILL ABLE US TO GET IT AND PROTECT US FROM SUCH FATAL DISEASES.
Here is a list of things that help you in self management and which will in turn lead you to the path of success: -
-) Look at every new opportunity as an exciting and new-life experience.
-) Be a professional who exhibits self-confidence and self-assurance in your potential to complete any task.
-) Agree with yourself in advance that you will have a good attitude toward the upcoming task.
-) Frequently ask, "Is what I am doing right now moving me toward my goals?"
-) Do it right the first time and you will not have to take time later to fix it.
-) Accept responsibility for your job successes and failures. Do not look for a scapegoat.
-) Do not view things you do as a "job." View all activities as a challenge.
{mosgoogle left}-) Use your subconscious mind by telling it to do what you do want. Instead of telling yourself, "I can't do that very well," say, "I can do this very well."-) Give yourself points for completing tasks on your "to-do" list in priority order. When you reach 10 points, reward yourself.
-) Practice your personal beliefs. It may be helpful each morning to take 15 minutes to gather your thoughts and say a prayer.
-) Make a commitment to show someone a specific accomplishment on a certain date. The added urgency will help you feel motivated to have it done.
-) Practice self-determination, wanting to do it for yourself.
-) Believe that you can be what you want to be.
-) Never criticize yourself as having a weakness. There is no such thing. You are only talking about a present undeveloped skill or part of yourself that if you so chose, you can change. You do not have any weakness, only untapped potential.
-) Be pleasant all the time-no matter what the situation.
-) Challenge yourself to do things differently than you have in the past. It provides new ideas and keeps you interested.
-) Talk to yourself. A self-talk using positive affirmation is something that is common among all great achievers. They convince themselves that they can accomplish their goals.
-) Create your own "motivation board" by putting up notes of things you need to do on a bulletin board or special wall space. It is an easily visible way to see what you need to work on. When an item is done, remove the note. Also keep your goals listed and pictured on your board.
-) Stay interested in what you are doing. Keep looking for what is interesting in your work. Change your perspective and look at it as someone outside your job would,
-) Establish personal incentives and rewards to help maintain your own high enthusiasm and performance level.
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