Hi All
Dear All, I have booked 23rd floor in tower E.However,construction work seems to suffer greatlyin tower D&E due to lack of GDA approval for higher floors.
To put a pressure and expedite things i fell all the residents and future residents will have to come together.An important step will be collation of phone no and emails of phase 2 allotees.. phase 1 residents(tower A,B,C records must be there with the coordinators.Would urge all Tower D,E, F,G allotees to update their details in 'database' link of the assotechnest yahoogroup.Those who do not want to update records on the link can contact coordinators mentioned in trail mail and provide their phone nos/email.Feel getting together and communicating with each other will play instrumental role in achieving our aim.Warm RegardsGurminder Singh8860631559
--- On Tue, 16/10/12, Alok Jain <alok_jain_78@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Alok Jain <alok_jain_78@yahoo.com>
To: AssotechNest@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 16 October, 2012, 5:20 AM
Thanks everybody for the contribution. While this letter is very well drafted, how do we make them respond and act. None of the issues written here are new to them. Maybe there is an even longer list that we are not aware of yet.I think we should also send a copy of this letter to one of the governing bodies, e.g. GDA, media/news companies, consumer courts, etc. Only then will they listen to us.All the Best !!!
From: Sharad Sharma <thebackhandsmash@gmail.com>
To: thebackhandsmash@gmail.com, tarunmalhotramis@gmail.com, shashanksaxena@gmail.com, suresh_hbti@rediffmail.com, syans.singh31@gmail.com, udmittal@rediffmail.com, vhoney16@gmail.com, vikmehra@gmail.com, vineet1825@gmail.com, vineetsinha11@gmail.com, vivek.jaiswal77@gmail.com, ujaiswal@yahoo.com, srinivasarao@mvkini.com, mail2sunil.in@gmail.com, sanjay041975@yahoo.co.in, phsaxena@rediffmail.com, gurmukhsalh@gmail.com, ashok_koul@yahoo.com, trikha4u@gmail.com, sharmvineet@gmail.com, friendz.prashant@gmail.com, kalra.mohit@gmail.com, vivek_mirza@yahoo.co.in, delhiguy_prateem@yahoo.co.in, nidhi.tarika@gmail.com, ankit_2uk@yahoo.com, sanjeev23s@yahoo.com, easy_om@yahoo.co.in, iqbaalalam@yahoo.com, seemant.dabral@havells.com, rnair50@ymail.com, akrastogi@ntpc.co.in, bighnesh@uflexengg.com, bhupendra.4082@gmail.com, seenitr@gmail.com, vikas.jaiswal77@gmail.com, manish.tiwari@riaenjolie.com, vkm021055@gmail.com, v_2shash1@hotmail.com, sirohibrothers@gmail.com, amitgupta08@rediffmail.com, manju_sharma72@yahoo.com, delhigunjan@gmail.com, bimleshkumar2007@gmail.com, srkpandey@gmail.com, r_s_rana@rediffmail.com, jagdeep.salh@gmail.com, rastogi.mahabir@gmail.com, rsuryamurthy@gmail.com, arundhutidas@yahoo.com, krux.singh@gmail.com, kms6959@yahoo.co.in, shreedhar.singh@rediffmail.com, skrpandey@gmail.com, crsy.om@yahoo.co.in, nchandani2002@yahoo.com, rai.manpreet@gmail.com, vk.nathani@gmail.com, joshi.kcjoshi.kc@gmail.com, nilayrsaha@gmail.com, navaltripathi@gmail.com, rkg@polyplex.com, karnik.kuldeep@gail.com, anverma@isgec.co.in, "'Anika Sharma'" <anikamalhotra@gmail.com>, "'The Nest RWA'" <info@thenestrwa.com>, aashish.b.kumar@accenture.com, ackatiyar@gmail.com, afroz_25@hotmail.com, amitgupta.8@gmail.com, anand220980@gmail.com, arijitbakum@gmail.com, avni_aren@yahoo.com, bhanot_aditya@rediffmail.com, cutesaub@yahoo.com, dhawan_nitj@yahoo.com, engg_praveens@yahoo.co.uk, esanjays@gmail.com, goelshailesh@yahoo.com, hellopankaj@gmail.com, j_medatwal@hotmail.com, jai.khurana@hcl.in, jointosaurabh@yahoo.com, mail.rsrivastava@gmail.com, mail2suryamurthy@yahoo.com, meet_madhur@yahoo.co.in, mehta_ritz@yahoo.co.in, mishrapower@rediffmail.com, prashu.bhau@gmail.com, san4bhatt@rediffmail.com, shailender_rawat@yahoo.com, shailendracal@yahoo.com, shreedhar.singh@yahoo.co.in, shuklaatul5@gmail.com, soumen.haldar1971@gmail.com, supratim_25@rediffmail.com, tripathi.anuj@gmail.com, vrce_vijay@yahoo.co.in, wimlesh@gmail.com, "'A K'" <akkundu@ntpceoc.co.in>, "'Ajai'" <raiayushkumar@yahoo.com>, "'Ajay Singh'" <asyntpc@gmail.com>, "'Akhil'" <ad1969@rediffmail.com>, "'Akhil P'" <75chhabra@gmail.com>, "'amar verma'" <amarverma20@gmail.com>, "'Ambuj'" <ambujtayal@yahoo.com>, "'Anil'" <anilchau@gmail.com>, "'Ankur'" <ka.mathur@gmail.com>, "'Arun'" <arunbharthry@gmail.com>, "'Arvind Kumar'" <arvind.k.singh@nsn.com>, "'Ashok'" <bagasi_ashok@yahoo.com>, "'B K'" <binayc@gmail.com>, "'Bhupendra'" <bhupendra4082@gmail.com>, "'Col B N'" <bayupandey@gmail.com>, "'Deepak'" <deepak.sharma@cnh.com>, "'Dr. Disha'" <dishaten@rediffmail.com>, "'Gaurav'" <raghav_gaurav2383@yahoo.com>, "'Innu'" <innu.anand@gmail.com>, "'Jitendra'" <jitendra.medatwal@gmail.com>, "'Kushalendra'" <kaushals71@rediffmail.com>, "'Manish'" <manish_tiw@hotmail.com>, "'Manoj'" <mbarsaiyan@yahoo.com>, "'Mayank'" <mayank.jauhri@yahoo.com>, "'Mithun'" <mythown@gmail.com>, "'Mohit'" <mohikapur@gmail.com>, "'Mohit'" <mohit.st@gmail.com>, "'Naval Kishore'" <navaltripathi@gmail.com>, "'Naveen'" <guptanaveen74@rediffmail.com>, "'Naveen'" <naveen.sharma@gmail.com>, "'Neeraj'" <neerajk78@gmail.com>, "'Nishant'" <kum_nishant@yahoo.com>, "'P H'" <duscorpion2001@yahoo.com>, "'Prem'" <premraj2460@gmail.com>, "'Puneet Walecha'" <pwalecha@gmail.com>, "'ritu chhabra'" <rituchhabraadv@gmail.com>, "'S P'" <spsirohi@spprinters.com>, "'Sanjay'" <s_dhar07@yahoo.com>, "'Sanjay'" <skchauhan80@rediffmail.com>, "'R K'" <rkpanda@ntpceoc.com>, "'Sanjay'" <sobhasingh1979@yahoo.com>, "'Sanjeev'" <sanjeev235@yahoo.com>, "'Shailendra'" <rawatds28@gmail.com>, "'Shailesh'" <skpandey@gmail.com>, "'Sharad'" <thebackhandsmash@gmail.com>, "'Sharat'" <tarunmalhotramis@gmail.com>, "'Shashank'" <shashanksaxena@gmail.com>, "'Suresh'" <suresh_hbti@rediffmail.com>, "'Syan'" <syans.singh31@gmail.com>, "'Udit'" <udmittal@rediffmail.com>, "'Umesh Kumar'" <ujaiswal@yahoo.com>, "'Vikas'" <vhoney16@gmail.com>, "'Vikrant'" <vikmehra@gmail.com>, "'Vineet'" <vineet1825@gmail.com>, "'Vineet'" <vineetsinha11@gmail.com>, "'Vivek'" <vivek.jaiswal77@gmail.com>, srinivasarao@mvkini.com, "'Sunil Kumar Chowdhary'" <mail2sunil.in@gmail.com>, "'Sanjay Singh'" <sanjay041975@yahoo.co.in>, phsaxena@rediffmail.com, gurmukhsalh@gmail.com, "'Suresh'" <suresh_bbti@rediffmail.com>, "'Sharad Sharma'" <sharad.sharma.microsoft@convergys.com>, "'NEST RWA'" <nest.rwa@gmail.com>, ashok_koul@yahoo.com, trikha4u@gmail.com, sharmvineet@gmail.com, friendz.prashant@gmail.com, kalra.mohit@gmail.com, vivek_mirza@yahoo.co.in, delhiguy_prateem@yahoo.co.in, nidhi.tarika@gmail.com, ankit_2uk@yahoo.com, sanjeev23s@yahoo.com, easy_om@yahoo.co.in, iqbaalalam@yahoo.com, seemant.dabral@havells.com, rnair50@ymail.com, akrastogi@ntpc.co.in, bighnesh@uflexengg.com, bhupendra.4082@gmail.com, "'T.R.Srinivasa Rao'" <seenitr@gmail.com>, "'vikas jaiswal'" <vikas.jaiswal77@gmail.com>, "'Manish Tiwari'" <manish.tiwari@riaenjolie.com>, vkm021055@gmail.com, v_2shash1@hotmail.com, sirohibrothers@gmail.com, amitgupta08@rediffmail.com, manju_sharma72@yahoo.com, delhigunjan@gmail.com, bimleshkumar2007@gmail.com, srkpandey@gmail.com, "'ashok Bagasi'" <ashok.bagasi@infoproworldwide.com>, r_s_rana@rediffmail.com, jagdeep.salh@gmail.com, "'M.P. Rastogi'" <rastogi.mahabir@gmail.com>, rsuryamurthy@gmail.com, arundhutidas@yahoo.com, krux.singh@gmail.com, kms6959@yahoo.co.in, shreedhar.singh@rediffmail.com, skrpandey@gmail.com, "'Om'" <crsy.om@yahoo.co.in>, the-nest-residents-welfare-association@googlegroups.com, "'Aftab Mirza'" <mirza.aftab@gmail.com>, nchandani2002@yahoo.com, rai.manpreet@gmail.com, vk.nathani@gmail.com, joshi.kcjoshi.kc@gmail.com, ritesh.rsingh@gmail.com, alok_jain_78@yahoo.com, "'Akanksha Agarwal'" <akankshaaga@gmail.com>, "'Akanksha Agarwal'" <creativeworld@hellokids.co.in>, "'Madhur Agarwal'" <madhurmeister@googlemail.com>, "'Nitin Mittal'" <nitinatdce@gmail.com>, "'deepak agarwal'" <deepak.ip.agarwal@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 3:35 AM
(Resending as I got a delivery failure notification) Please ignore if you have got this already.
My Inputs:
· Since we have lost trust in them, we need to know the exact size (Length, Breadth and Height/depth of the swimming pool) in written format with authorized signature. We do not want that they get away with sub-standard construction AGAIN. Along with that we should know at what frequency they will clean it, what will be the provision of the water treatment etc. I mean to say that they should know, giving us a pond of water in the name of the swimming pool is not what we are expecting. That too after such a delay.
· We need to also get them to sign the timeline document only then we will accept this for the simple reason that they have proven that they don't keep their word!
· They had also promised that there will be a Badminton court; need to get that closed as well.
· Also, since the construction activities are on hold (not sure till when) we cannot accept that the place remains ugly and dirty for all this while. When Assotech does not have any consideration for ease and comfort of the residents then we are also bound to demand them to develop the park and everything they promised irrespective of the fact that the construction is on hold for reasons best known to Assotech.
Sharad Sharma
B - 033
From: Sharad Sharma [mailto:thebackhandsmash@yahoo.co.in]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 8:23 PM
To: 'Kshitij Mathur'
Cc: 'Anika Sharma'; 'The Nest RWA'; 'aashish.b.kumar@accenture.com'; 'ackatiyar@gmail.com'; 'afroz_25@hotmail.com'; 'amitgupta.8@gmail.com'; 'anand220980@gmail.com'; 'arijitbakum@gmail.com'; 'avni_aren@yahoo.com'; 'bhanot_aditya@rediffmail.com'; 'cutesaub@yahoo.com'; 'dhawan_nitj@yahoo.com'; 'engg_praveens@yahoo.co.uk'; 'esanjays@gmail.com'; 'goelshailesh@yahoo.com'; 'hellopankaj@gmail.com'; 'j_medatwal@hotmail.com'; 'jai.khurana@hcl.in'; 'jointosaurabh@yahoo.com'; 'mail.rsrivastava@gmail.com'; 'mail2suryamurthy@yahoo.com'; 'meet_madhur@yahoo.co.in'; 'mehta_ritz@yahoo.co.in'; 'mishrapower@rediffmail.com'; 'prashu.bhau@gmail.com'; 'san4bhatt@rediffmail.com'; 'shailender_rawat@yahoo.com'; 'shailendracal@yahoo.com'; 'shreedhar.singh@yahoo.co.in'; 'shuklaatul5@gmail.com'; 'soumen.haldar1971@gmail.com'; 'supratim_25@rediffmail.com'; 'tripathi.anuj@gmail.com'; 'vrce_vijay@yahoo.co.in'; 'wimlesh@gmail.com'; 'A K'; 'Ajai'; 'Ajay Singh'; 'Akhil'; 'Akhil P'; 'amar verma'; 'Ambuj'; 'Anil'; 'Ankur'; 'Arun'; 'Arvind Kumar'; 'Ashok'; 'B K'; 'Bhupendra'; 'Col B N'; 'Deepak'; 'Dr. Disha'; 'Gaurav'; 'Innu'; 'Jitendra'; 'Kushalendra'; 'Manish'; 'Manoj'; 'Mayank'; 'Mithun'; 'Mohit'; 'Mohit'; 'Naval Kishore'; 'Naveen'; 'Naveen'; 'Neeraj'; 'Nishant'; 'P H'; 'Prem'; 'Puneet Walecha'; 'ritu chhabra'; 'S P'; 'Sanjay'; 'Sanjay'; 'R K'; 'Sanjay'; 'Sanjeev'; 'Shailendra'; 'Shailesh'; 'Sharad'; 'Sharat'; 'Shashank'; 'Suresh'; 'Syan'; 'Udit'; 'Umesh Kumar'; 'Vikas'; 'Vikrant'; 'Vineet'; 'Vineet'; 'Vivek'; 'srinivasarao@mvkini.com'; 'Sunil Kumar Chowdhary'; 'Sanjay Singh'; 'phsaxena@rediffmail.com'; 'gurmukhsalh@gmail.com'; 'Suresh'; 'Sharad Sharma'; 'NEST RWA'; 'ashok_koul@yahoo.com'; 'trikha4u@gmail.com'; 'sharmvineet@gmail.com'; 'friendz.prashant@gmail.com'; 'kalra.mohit@gmail.com'; 'vivek_mirza@yahoo.co.in'; 'delhiguy_prateem@yahoo.co.in'; 'nidhi.tarika@gmail.com'; 'ankit_2uk@yahoo.com'; 'sanjeev23s@yahoo.com'; 'easy_om@yahoo.co.in'; 'iqbaalalam@yahoo.com'; 'seemant.dabral@havells.com'; 'rnair50@ymail.com'; 'akrastogi@ntpc.co.in'; 'bighnesh@uflexengg.com'; 'bhupendra.4082@gmail.com'; 'T.R.Srinivasa Rao'; 'vikas jaiswal'; 'Manish Tiwari'; 'vkm021055@gmail.com'; 'v_2shash1@hotmail.com'; 'sirohibrothers@gmail.com'; 'amitgupta08@rediffmail.com'; 'manju_sharma72@yahoo.com'; 'delhigunjan@gmail.com'; 'bimleshkumar2007@gmail.com'; 'srkpandey@gmail.com'; 'ashok Bagasi'; 'r_s_rana@rediffmail.com'; 'jagdeep.salh@gmail.com'; 'M.P. Rastogi'; 'rsuryamurthy@gmail.com'; 'arundhutidas@yahoo.com'; 'krux.singh@gmail.com'; 'kms6959@yahoo.co.in'; 'shreedhar.singh@rediffmail.com'; 'skrpandey@gmail.com'; 'Om'; 'the-nest-residents-welfare-association@googlegroups.com'; 'Aftab Mirza'; 'nchandani2002@yahoo.com'; 'rai.manpreet@gmail.com'; 'vk.nathani@gmail.com'; 'joshi.kcjoshi.kc@gmail.com'; 'alok_jain_78@yahoo.com'; 'Akanksha Agarwal'; 'Akanksha Agarwal'; 'Madhur Agarwal'; 'Nitin Mittal'; 'deepak agarwal'; 'ritesh singh'
It's time for us to Shake them to Wake them. I mean we have been suffering for a long time. We are just demanding our rights and asking them to fulfill their commitment.
Assotech should live up to their advertising slogan Dreams Fulfilled Desire Fulfilled.
Sharad Sharma
B – 033
From: ritesh singh [mailto:ritesh.rsingh@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 5:05 PM
To: Kshitij Mathur
Cc: Anika Sharma; The Nest RWA; aashish.b.kumar@accenture.com; ackatiyar@gmail.com; afroz_25@hotmail.com; amitgupta.8@gmail.com; anand220980@gmail.com; arijitbakum@gmail.com; avni_aren@yahoo.com; bhanot_aditya@rediffmail.com; cutesaub@yahoo.com; dhawan_nitj@yahoo.com; engg_praveens@yahoo.co.uk; esanjays@gmail.com; goelshailesh@yahoo.com; hellopankaj@gmail.com; j_medatwal@hotmail.com; jai.khurana@hcl.in; jointosaurabh@yahoo.com; mail.rsrivastava@gmail.com; mail2suryamurthy@yahoo.com; meet_madhur@yahoo.co.in; mehta_ritz@yahoo.co.in; mishrapower@rediffmail.com; prashu.bhau@gmail.com; san4bhatt@rediffmail.com; shailender_rawat@yahoo.com; shailendracal@yahoo.com; shreedhar.singh@yahoo.co.in; shuklaatul5@gmail.com; soumen.haldar1971@gmail.com; supratim_25@rediffmail.com; tripathi.anuj@gmail.com; vrce_vijay@yahoo.co.in; wimlesh@gmail.com; A K; Ajai; Ajay Singh; Akhil; Akhil P; amar verma; Ambuj; Anil; Ankur; Arun; Arvind Kumar; Ashok; B K; Bhupendra; Col B N; Deepak; Dr. Disha; Gaurav; Innu; Jitendra; Kushalendra; Manish; Manoj; Mayank; Mithun; Mohit; Mohit; Naval Kishore; Naveen; Naveen; Neeraj; Nishant; P H; Prem; Puneet Walecha; ritu chhabra; S P; Sanjay; Sanjay; R K; Sanjay; Sanjeev; Shailendra; Shailesh; Sharad; Sharat; Shashank; Suresh; Syan; Udit; Umesh Kumar; Vikas; Vikrant; Vineet; Vineet; Vivek; srinivasarao@mvkini.com; Sunil Kumar Chowdhary; Sanjay Singh; phsaxena@rediffmail.com; gurmukhsalh@gmail.com; Suresh; Sharad Sharma; NEST RWA; ashok_koul@yahoo.com; trikha4u@gmail.com; sharmvineet@gmail.com; friendz.prashant@gmail.com; kalra.mohit@gmail.com; vivek_mirza@yahoo.co.in; delhiguy_prateem@yahoo.co.in; nidhi.tarika@gmail.com; ankit_2uk@yahoo.com; sanjeev23s@yahoo.com; easy_om@yahoo.co.in; iqbaalalam@yahoo.com; seemant.dabral@havells.com; rnair50@ymail.com; akrastogi@ntpc.co.in; bighnesh@uflexengg.com; bhupendra.4082@gmail.com; T.R.Srinivasa Rao; vikas jaiswal; Manish Tiwari; vkm021055@gmail.com; thebackhandsmash@yahoo.co.in; v_2shash1@hotmail.com; sirohibrothers@gmail.com; amitgupta08@rediffmail.com; manju_sharma72@yahoo.com; delhigunjan@gmail.com; bimleshkumar2007@gmail.com; srkpandey@gmail.com; ashok Bagasi; r_s_rana@rediffmail.com; jagdeep.salh@gmail.com; M.P. Rastogi; rsuryamurthy@gmail.com; arundhutidas@yahoo.com; krux.singh@gmail.com; kms6959@yahoo.co.in; shreedhar.singh@rediffmail.com; skrpandey@gmail.com; Om; the-nest-residents-welfare-association@googlegroups.com; Aftab Mirza; nchandani2002@yahoo.com; rai.manpreet@gmail.com; vk.nathani@gmail.com; joshi.kcjoshi.kc@gmail.com; alok_jain_78@yahoo.com; Akanksha Agarwal; Akanksha Agarwal; Madhur Agarwal; Nitin Mittal; deepak agarwal
Hi Kshitij,
I guess we need to strictly inquire about the GDA approvals for Tower F & G as the work has completely stopped in Tower F now giving a very strong impression that this project was just to collect more funds(interest free for builder) and might be scrapped.
Its been more than a year when people booked the flats in towers F & G and so far there has been no communication about the approvals.
Request you to put this point in the Draft as well.
Thanks & Regards!
Ritesh Singh
9899075560On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Kshitij Mathur <k.mathur@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear residents @ The Nest,
First of all i would like to thank all the people who did come forward and shared their inputs on the below mentioned letter to Assotech Management. We have tried our level best to cover all the issues/points highlighted to us.
Hence, please find enclosed the revised draft of the letter.
Further there were a couple of suggestions to have an extended time frame for people to come up and sign on the letter. So, taking that view into consideration, the following is what we suggest to all.
We all meet @ 8.00 pm on Saturday, 13th October '12 @ Temporary Gym on Upper Basement to come and sign this letter.
In case if people are unable to come at the mentioned time because of prior commitments can instead contact the following co-ordinators agree a suitable option basis their availability and come and sign the letter.
The details of the co-ordinators are as follows :
Ashok Bagasi - 9810284605
Kshitij Mathur - 9810861448
Deepak Agarwal - 9310802428
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRAFT LETTER
Dated: .10.2012
Mr. Sanjeev Srivastava,
Chairman cum Managing Director
A-12, Sector-24
U. P. (India)
Subject: Urgent Meeting on pending issues @The Nest-Crossings Republik
Dear Mr. Srivastava
As you are already aware of various issues which the current residents have been facing @ The Nest. We have interacted at various levels with your team placed on the site and sadly no result has been forth coming.
We have in past as well tried to fix a discussion with you on the list of issues which have been plaguing the society, but somehow that discussion couldn't happen for various reasons. Your project team at the site have been assuring us from time to time that the deficiencies highlighted in various correspondences and communication are being attended to. However till date none of the issues have been taken care of seriously. You undertook and represented during your visits on 26th January, 2012 and 15th August, 2012 that you will complete the pending issues and cure all defects/deficiencies despite that no progress has been made so far and about a year has lapsed when we got the possession, shifted and residing here.
Besides the issues with respect to the physical product i.e. the structure/appearance /maintenance of the towers and status of many pending issues at the project, we have a doubt about the legal compliances/approval documents of all the towers/No. of floors/floor plans, sanctions plans, NOC from Fire department and all other necessary statutory compliances of the entire project. Though some of the documents were shared with the WARRANT team, but the details pertaining to the entire project are still awaited. Despite request made to share all the compliance/legal documents pertaining to the project mentioned therein the letter, you have failed to provide the same nor any written reply was communicated thereto. In view of the above, we request you to please suggest how to proceed further to ensure and resolve the pending issues. As of now the most critical issues on which we need immediate attention and need to know action plan on your part are as under:
1. LIFT REPLACEMENT: Installation & Smooth functioning of all lifts specially installation of lifts in all Towers and 24 hr. lift men in lifts @ all the towers. And ensure the same standards are maintained for upcoming towers like D,E,F and G.
2. Steps for improvement Security, Safety & housekeeping as construction is ongoing and will continue for another 2 -3 years. And the response time of maintenance team to resolve the issues of the residents. Further steps needs to be undertaken to ensure the project and the residential areas are firstly clearly demarcated and ensure proper maintenance and cleanliness of residential area.
3. DELAY IN POSSESSION OF TOWERS D&E: We need final date of completing of towers D&E separately. No further extension of dates will be entertained any more.
4. Timeline of START AND COMPLETION of club, swimming pool with all facilities: Also share the details of all the facilities (Party Lawn & Halls, Tennis Court, Badminton Court(s), Basket Ball and Cricket area, skating rink, 2 swimming pools – with specifications of dimensions etc.).
5. SEEPAGE IN THE TOWERS & BASEMENTS : During the rainy season we had lots of issues of water logging and seepage of water in various areas like seepage parking on both level 1 and 2, seepage in individual flats, closing of lifts during to rain water logging in lifts etc. Please share what actions have been taken or would be taking to ensure there will be no seepage in both existing and future towers.
6. QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION both current and proposed towers such as tiles inside flat, plaster quality inside houses, wooden flooring, paints on wooden doors, locking system of aluminum doors etc.
7. BEAUTIFICATION AND AESTHETICS: Plans and steps to improve main entrance, main gate & paring Ramp, greenery, water bodies in the compound to improve appeal of the society compound.
8. QUALITY & COMPLETION OF EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINT: Please share dead line of completion of exterior and interior finishing and proper complete plastering of towers A, B & C, staircase area etc.
9. Transparency on Charges of Electricity and Power Back Up services.
10. Allotment of Permanent Parking spaces with proper document thereof.
Herein, also I would like to bring into your knowledge that U.P. Apartment (Promotion of Construction, Ownership & Maintenance) Act 2010 which is in force with full effect for multistoried apartment in all cities of U.P. including Ghaziabad, NOIDA & Greater Noida. Under the provisions of the Act resident rights are protected in case builders do not fulfill the obligations as per the Apartments Buyers Agreement & Sale Deed executed for the purposes of apartment in multistoried buildings. For your information I must clarify that as per Chapter II of the Act, under the head "Duties and Liabilities of Promoter" as per clause (8) The promoter shall be responsible upto two years after handing over the apartments regarding construction and structural defects in the building constructed by him and he shall get such defects removed at his own cost, failing which he shall liable to pay compensation for the losses incurred by him for such defects."
In view of the above, you are requested to fulfill/perform the your obligations forthwith and revert to us with a correct status of your action plan on major pending issues which were pointed out number of times in earlier correspondence and communication which are again mentioned herein above. Please note we expect a response from your side on the listed issues within 7 days of date of receipt of this letter. Hence, we are requesting to meet you and discuss many pending issues @ The Nest to know clear picture of your action plan to close the same at the earliest.
Please find attached the list of all residents with their name & flat details with their signatures as consent to this letter.
Best Regards
Residents at The Nest
S. No
Flat No. & Tower Name
Phone number
Kshitij Mathur
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Anika Sharma <anikamalhotra@gmail.com> wrote:
Please include wooden flooring as well under point 6 in the letter. The flooring is done by kids who seem to be amateur.
Threre are rhodents as well in the society. Not sure if others have noticed this.
Also, please make a provision that all interested residents are able to sign the letter as all might not be available at that time.
On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Kshitij Mathur <k.mathur@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,
In continuation of the GENERAL PUBLIC NOTICE issued on 6.10.2012, it was agreed by the residents available during the discussion to send across a letter specifying the issues being faced by all the residents for nearly over an year now.
But nothing concrete has been done by the Assotech Management to reduce the issues of the residents. Henceforth, please find enclosed the draft letter being drafted on behalf of the residents to Mr. Sanjay Srivastava - specifying the issues again.
Hence, would request all the residents to review this and confirm whether all the criticals issues being faced have been listed in the correct manner and with due importance to all the common issues.
Since the entire letter is being sent on behalf of residents @ The Nest and no group as such, hence would request all to come forward and sign this petition letter on Saturday 13.10.2012 @ 8.00 pm at Society Club A005 - so that collectively we can stand together and get those amenities for which we all have paid for.
Dated: .10.2012
Mr. Sanjeev Srivastava,
Chairman cum Managing Director
A-12, Sector-24
U. P. (India)
Subject: Urgent Meeting on pending issues @The Nest-Crossings Republik
Dear Mr. Srivastava
As you are already aware of various issues which the current residents have been facing @ The Nest. We have interacted at various levels with your team placed on the site and sadly no result has been forth coming.
We have in past as well tried to fix a discussion with you on the list of issues which have been plaguing the society, but somehow that discussion couldn't happen for various reasons. Your project team at the site have been assuring us from time to time that the deficiencies highlighted in various correspondences and communication are being attended to. However till date none of the issues have been taken care of seriously. You undertook and represented during your visits on 26th January, 2012 and 15th August, 2012 that you will complete the pending issues and cure all defects/deficiencies despite that no progress has been made so far and about a year has lapsed when we got the possession, shifted and residing here.
Besides the issues with respect to the physical product i.e. the structure/appearance /maintenance of the towers and status of many pending issues at the project, we have a doubt about the legal compliances/approval documents of all the towers/No. of floors/floor plans, sanctions plans, NOC from Fire department and all other necessary statutory compliances of the entire project. Though some of the documents were shared with the WARRANT team, but the details pertaining to the entire project are still awaited. Despite request made to share all the compliance/legal documents pertaining to the project mentioned therein the letter, you have failed to provide the same nor any written reply was communicated thereto. In view of the above, we request you to please suggest how to proceed further to ensure and resolve the pending issues. As of now the most critical issues on which we need immediate attention and need to know action plan on your part are as under:
1. LIFT REPLACEMENT: Installation & Smooth functioning of all lifts specially installation of lifts in all Towers and 24 hr. lift men in lifts @ all the towers. And ensure the same standards are maintained for upcoming towers like D,E,F and G.
2. Steps for improvement Housekeeping, Security & Safety as construction is ongoing and will continue for another 2 -3 years. And the response time of maintenance team to resolve the issues of the residents.
3. DELAY IN POSSESSION OF TOWERS D&E: We need final date of completing of towers D&E separately. No further extension of dates will be entertained any more.
4. Timeline of START AND COMPLETION of club, swimming pool with all facilities: Also share the details of all the facilities (party lawn, tennis court, 2 swimming pools etc).
5. SEEPAGE IN THE TOWERS & BASEMENTS : Like Seepage in individual flats, seepage in parking -1 and -2 (please add any other place where you have noticed the seepage [Innu] Also share what actions are being taken in place for the seepage in future towers.
6. QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION both current and proposed towers such as tiles inside flat, plaster quality inside houses etc.
7. BEAUTIFICATION AND AESTHETICS: Plans and steps to improve main entrance, main gate & paring Ramp, greenery, water bodies in the compound to improve appeal of the society compound.
8. QUALITY & COMPLETION OF EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINT: Please share dead line of completion of exterior and interior finishing and proper complete plastering of towers A, B & C, staircase area etc.
9. Transparency on Charges of Electricity and Power Back Up services.
10. Allotment of Permanent Parking spaces with proper document thereof.
Herein, also I would like to bring into your knowledge that U.P. Apartment (Promotion of Construction, Ownership & Maintenance) Act 2010 which is in force with full effect for multistoried apartment in all cities of U.P. including Ghaziabad, NOIDA & Greater Noida. Under the provisions of the Act resident rights are protected in case builders do not fulfill the obligations as per the Apartments Buyers Agreement & Sale Deed executed for the purposes of apartment in multistoried buildings. For your information I must clarify that as per Chapter II of the Act, under the head "Duties and Liabilities of Promoter" as per clause (8) The promoter shall be responsible upto two years after handing over the apartments regarding construction and structural defects in the building constructed by him and he shall get such defects removed at his own cost, failing which he shall liable to pay compensation for the losses incurred by him for such defects."
In view of the above, you are requested to fulfill/perform the your obligations forthwith and revert to us with a correct status of your action plan on major pending issues which were pointed out number of times in earlier correspondence and communication which are again mentioned herein above. Please note we expect a response from your side on the listed issues within 7 days of date of receipt of this letter. Hence, we are requesting to meet you and discuss many pending issues @ The Nest to know clear picture of your action plan to close the same at the earliest.
Please find attached the list of all residents with their name & flat details with their signatures as consent to this letter.
Best Regards
Residents at The Nest
Name & Address
Tower-Flat No.
Phone Number
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Hi All
ReplyDeleteIt seems as if all Drafts and notices to Assotech the Nest are falling on deaf
ears. Still there is no official communication about the completion of pending
work and resuming the halted construction. They dont even bother to update their
official website which mention unrealistic deadlines for the Nest Project as
No news of GDA Approvals for top floors, unapproved towers (F & G), completion
dates, possesion dates etc,.
Guys - Are we planning any meet with Assotech in coming weeks to discuss all
Hi,I am Piyush I have Booked one 3BHK Flat in assotech Nest Tower F,Crossing republic.My contact no is 9871112350.Please share your no so that we all can file a combine case in High court for Compensation.Assotech management is not Responding on any mails.Its been 3 years
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