Monday, November 5, 2012

[gardeniasquare] Important Health Tip - Dengue Fever


Health Tip- Dengue Fever
Dear Friend,

Dengue fever is a common communicable disease characterized by occurrence of high fever, severe body aches and intense headache. The disease is quite severe in young children as compared to adults. Symptoms depend upon the type of Dengue fever. There are three types of Dengue fever
Classical (Simple) Dengue Fever: Sudden onset of high fever with feeling of chills, severe headache, pains in muscles and joints, extreme weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, rash on the skin etc.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF): All the above symptoms plus bleeding from gums, blood in stool/ vomiting, bleeding spots on skin and tourniquet tests positive
Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS): All the above symptoms and feature of shock (loss of conscious, weak pulse, low blood pressure etc.)
1. Don't allow water to remain stagnant in and around your house.
2. Fill the ditches. Clean the blocked drains.
3. Empty all air coolers and flower vases completely at least once in seven days and let them dry.
4. Keep water tanks and water containers tightly covered so that the mosquitoes cannot enter them and start breeding.
    Wherever it is not possible to completely drain the water, put about 30 ml of petrol or Kerosene oil into it.
5. Use mosquito repellent sprays, creams, coils, mats or liquids to drive away/ kill the mosquitoes.
6. Wear clothes which cover the body as much as possible.
what to do
1. Give the patient paracetamol (not more than four times in any 24 hour period) as per the dose prescribed by the
2. Give large amounts of fluids (water, soup, milk, juice) along with the patient?s normal diet.
3. The patient should take complete rest.
4. Immediately consult a doctor if any of the following manifestations appear:
a. Red spots or points on the skin. e. Black stools. i. Excessive thirst (dry mouth).
b. Bleeding from the nose or gums. f. Sleepiness. j. Pale, cold or clammy skin.
c. Frequent vomiting. g. Constant crying. k. Dfficulty in breathing.
d. Vomiting with blood. h. Abdominal pain.  
5. Keep the patient of Dengue fever under a mosquito net in the first 5-6 days of the illness.
what not to do
1. Do not wait in case the above symptoms appear. Immediately consult a doctor. It is crucial to quickly get treatment in
    case of these complications.
2. Do not take Aspirin or Brufen or Ibubrufen.
Thanks and Regards
Wellness Team
Apollo Munich Health Insurance.
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